
Do you need help with your skin?

A natural alternative to fillers and botox, Dr. Cobb offers microneedling to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, get rid of sags and bags, and even out skin tone. While not as drastic as fillers, microneedling results last for years and will give you that youthful and fresh glow.

Acupuncture Aesthetics and TCM Dermatology

Contact us today for a free consultation on how to enhance your immortal beauty with a skin care routine.

Transform your Skin

Microneedling is an innovation in cosmedical technology that combines medical therapeutics and topicals to transform the appearance of aging skin and treat conditions such as photoaging, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, acne and hair loss.

Achieve incredible results on any part of the body.

A Safer Way To Improve Your Skin

Think outside the botox. Botox is a popular treatment used for reducing fine lines and wrinkles but involves injections of toxins under your skin to prevent the muscles from contracting and creasing. The toxins stay in your body and the injections can cause pain, bruising, weakness of muscles, and facial drooping that can last weeks if applied incorrectly.

Plastic surgery procedures may vary but will consist of incisions and possible removal of skin. Potential risks include cysts where the skin was sewn together, excess removal of skin, skin discoloration, and wounds that won’t heal.

Microneedling is a holistic, natural and safe alternative to botox and plastic surgery. It does not use toxins, requires no incisions, and resolves your problems by stimulating your body to increase its production of elastin and collagen, two essential proteins that enhance your skin and give it volume.